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5 Tips To Balancing Estrogen Levels The Natural Way

Brenda Albano

March 22, 2024

5 Tips In Balancing Estrogen Levels The Natural Way

5 Natural Ways to Balance Estrogen Levels

Menopause, for many women, sounds like the end of happy days. Night sweats and hot flashes in addition to joint pain and weight gain are absolutely scary.

So don’t ever think you’re crazy when you feel frightened at the thought of menopause. Believe us when we say you’re not insane.

But your hormones might be!

Your female hormones, estrogen specifically, are in a terrible situation during the menopausal phase. Estrogen levels are fluctuating, which result in bothersome symptoms that will no doubt drive you crazy.

Unlocking Hormonal Harmony: 5 Tips for Naturally Balancing Estrogen Levels

Well, you don’t have to settle with the distressing side effects of menopause. You can manage your symptoms by balancing your estrogen levels the natural way and with the help of Natural Estrogen Cream.Natural Estrogen Cream Banner 3

1. Improve Your Sleeping Habit

You may not feel it but your hormones are working day and night to maintain a physically fit you. Doing anything that disrupts the pattern can cost you a lot.

In the subject of sleep, for instance. Your pineal glands work all night to regulate the level of melatonin in your bloodstream so you can sleep better and wake up on time.

But apart from managing your sleep-wake cycle, melatonin sleep lotion also works double time to regulate your female reproductive hormones – estrogen included. In this case, when you practice poor sleeping habits, your melatonin production is affected, which would also influence your estrogen.

All things considered, you must develop a better sleeping habit for balanced hormones. And sleep is good. Who doesn’t like to sleep after a hard day’s work, right?

2. Keep Yourself Hydrated

Drink plenty of water. You need it more than you realize.

When you are dehydrated, your body naturally interprets it as a stressful situation. During stressful or life-threatening events, estrogen is depleted because your body needs more cortisol (stress hormone).

Therefore, if you are always dehydrated, your body might be pumped up with too much cortisol, which may lead to an irregularity in your estrogen hormone balance. To prevent this from happening, always keep yourself hydrated.

3. Exercise Regularly

Exercise is key in hormone self-regulation. It gets everything inside your body circulating and moving, which is good in hormone balance.

Keeping your body active allows for hormones to metabolize and prevent build up or dominance. It helps normalize your body’s insulin, stress hormones, as well as your sex hormones such as estrogen and progesterone.

4. Reduce Stress

Oh, for the love of hormones. Stay away from stress.

Life can be demanding. We get that. But still, you must do your best to slow down and take it easy.

Too much stress can be detrimental to your health and not just to your hormones. As we explained above, when your body recognizes a stressful event, it releases stress hormones.

Too much cortisol causes not only estrogen reduction but also It can also result in increased heart rate and high blood pressure.

You don’t want that, do you? So, fill your life with happy thoughts. Find a way to reduce stress.

5. Try Herbal Supplements

We know that Estrogen Therapy and Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) are always suggested by doctors when hormonal imbalance gets out of control. But don’t wait until you get there.

You can do something as early as now to decrease the chances of needing HRT. Apart from following the four tips we stated above, you can also try herbal preparations that can balance your estrogen levels.

Natural Estrogen Cream Infographcis for Menopause Problem

Natural Estrogen Cream of Whole Family Products is made with the extracts from Safflower and Apricot Kernel, two estrogen-inducing herbs that are believed to improve estrogen levels. This menopause product is meant to help women suffering from the annoying hot flashes, night sweats and vaginal dryness caused by menopause through restoring estrogen balance. It is called NHRT by many – natural hormone replacement therapy.

Because it comes in a cold-processed cream, it is non-greasy and smooth to apply. There’s no irk and no messy after-feels.

As with all estrogen products, we recommend you partner it with a progesterone preparation such as our natural progesterone creams. And of course, do not forget to ask your doctor if you are suited to use estrogen and progesterone supplements before you purchase your first jar.


Everyone has a different opinion about menopause. The symptoms are not the same for everyone.

But no matter what you are going through, you must get the support and advice you need along the way. Our page can serve as your go-to guide about menopause and the products that can help relieve menopause symptoms.

DISCLAIMER: These statements have not been approved by the FDA and we do not make any claims that this product or ingredient will cure, prevent, treat or even diagnose any disease. Studies linked here were conducted by independent labs for informational purposes. Please check with your doctor of choice for information regarding your own personal health profile and needs.

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