Terms and Conditions are proof to a credit card company that you agree to our guidelines before you pay for the order. Fair for all.
These include:
- Products are non-returnable/non-refundable unless damaged in transit with proof of damage provided to our customer service department on the day of delivery.
- All products have labels and label information posted for customers to do their due diligence in purchasing. Please contact us before purchasing if you are concerned with ingredients. US 603 727 6216
Except in rare cases, all other returns will be rejected unless in compliance with the following:
- Products cannot be rejected or returned without RAN – Return Authorization Number from our company. This number would be placed in large writing on the outside of the package, in plain sight.
- Products without return authorization will be rejected and returned to the customer.
For special situations when an RAN has been authorized, a 15% restocking fee will be subtracted and the remainder will be refunded PROVIDED that:
- the product seal is intact
- the product has not been opened
- the product or seal is unbroken.
Shipping is non-refundable. Return shipping insurance is recommend
We do not have the need for this notice often but just want to inform you of the process so everyone knows upfront. It can save a lot of confusion for all. It grieves us to say it but the internet has a fickle customer base. This is hard on a company who pays credit card fees, packaging, shipping and personnel to do it all only to have an unreasonable customer. It is better for us to both “chat” up front.
Thank you for your business. Please contact us with any questions through our support links found around the store.