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Progesterone Cream; All You Should Know About It

Brenda Albano

February 23, 2020

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Hormonal health is of prime importance in human beings. Medical research has shown that Progesterone creams are really helpful in hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to reduce menopausal symptoms. The cream also acts to counter skin issues due to aging, bone loss and mood swings. Progesterone is basically a steroid hormone that occurs naturally in the body but can be made artificially as well. It belongs to the class of steroid hormones named Progestogens. It is the main steroid hormone critical to the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and embryogenesis of human beings. Progesterone is very important in conceiving and supporting pregnancy. It is extensively used by women to support pregnancy and fertility and to address gynecological disorders as well. Progesterone can be taken in many forms via mouth, injection, or directly in the female reproductive organs. Progesterone cream is very commonly used as it gets absorbed easily in the skin and mixes in the bloodstream. This article explains the definition, importance, health benefits, usage, and precautions of progesterone cream.

Classification of Progestogens:

Progestogens are endogenous hormones, i.e., they are made by our body. As mentioned, Progestogens are a class of sex steroids that are further classified into Progesterone and Progestins. Both of these are made in laboratories, but the chemical structure of Progestins differs from that of the naturally occurring hormone. Progesterone formulated in the lab is purely identical to the naturally occurring one and is called Bioidentical Progesterone. Progestins is considered more potent due to its long lasting effect, while progesterone dissipates quickly through the skin for an instant effect. The hormones are further classified as follows:

Classification of Progestogens

Sources of Progesterone Cream:

The Progesterone hormone is mainly produced by a woman’s ovaries. It performs a critical role in a woman’s menstrual process. The progesterone cream and all of the progestin products can be made artificially in the laboratory. The lab produced progesterone and the natural progesterone hormone are identical. Naturally occurring progesterone, including the prescription products Crinone and Prometrium, is manufactured from a chemical named Diosgenin, which is extracted from wild yam or soy. In the laboratory, it is converted to progesterone. It’s important to note here that the human body is unable to make progesterone from diosgenin, so intake of wild yam or soy will not boost the body’s progesterone levels.

Benefits of Progesterone:

It is very important for women’s hormonal health. It is produced by women’s ovaries and is hence closely linked to the menstrual cycle and gynecological issues. Progesterone is beneficial for women’s menstrual problems and helps maintain pregnancy as well. Skin benefits and bone health are also improved by using it. The benefits of progesterone are briefly explained below:

1: Counters Menopause and Related Symptoms:

Menopause happens when a woman’s menstrual cycle stops and she is unable to get pregnant naturally. It happens due to the dropping levels of oestrogen and progesterone. Oestrogen and progesterone are the primary female hormones that play important roles in a woman’s body. Oestrogen helps release eggs from the ovaries, and progesterone prepares the womb for pregnancy. Progesterone is also necessary for the implantation of the fertilized egg. Their low levels can cause a lot of problems. In menopause, these hormonal levels become very low, due to which the periods first become less frequent over some time (which differs from months to years for different women), and then the periods stop altogether. Sometimes they can stop suddenly as well, with indications of several symptoms.

Progesterone cream has been advertised as a relief for menopausal symptoms, including:

HRT for Menopause Treatment:

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a popular approach being used to reduce the symptoms of menopause. It replaces female hormones that are at a lower level with identical man made hormones as someone approaches menopause. Progesterone is usually used in combination with oestrogen in this therapy.

2: Improves Skin and Removes anti-aging effects:

Lower progesterone levels can also result in the weakening of skin elasticity, firmness, and freshness. Progesterone cream is reported to have a very positive effect on the skin as it counters the anti-aging process and improves skin tone.

3: Helps Improve Bone Health and Density:

Progesterone cream can also help deter or slow down osteopenia (a condition in which bones lose protein and minerals). The progesterone cream is said to have a better effect than the oral progesterone.

Meno-Lady Progesterone Cream - Relieve Menopause Symptoms - Infographics

Difference Between Progesterone Supplement and Bioidentical Progesterone:

Progesterone is consumed by users in many forms namely pills, creams, injections, etc. Different products have different concentrations of progesterone and are used according to the dosage prescribed. The users ought to understand the following terms prior to progesterone use.

Progesterone supplement

People also use different progesterone supplements available in the market which claim to have progesterone as an ingredient. A few herbs and supplements are said to raise progesterone levels. These include:

a. Chaste berry
b. Evening primrose oil
c. Vitamin B100

However, the FDA does not use herbs and supplements as thoroughly as prescribed medicine. Even if the supplements contain progesterone, we are not sure of the concentration. Therefore, it’s not a wise option to use them. Also, the use of supplements is not backed by evidence, and hence their use is discouraged in managing the aforementioned health problems. Try using a reputable brand if you have to use herbal progesterone supplements anyway.

Bioidentical progesterone

Bioidentical hormones are synthetic hormones that are identical to the hormones produced by the human body. The most common identical hormones are estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. These hormones are then used in Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) to balance the hormones in men and women. Some prescribed forms of bioidentical hormones are made by a drug company, while others are custom made by a pharmacist based on a doctor’s advice. The FDA has approved a number of preparations of bioidentical progesterone, which are structurally identical to the hormones produced by the human body. These forms are tested vigorously to make sure of their safety and concentration. These bioidentical progesterone prescriptions are the best since we know exactly what quantity we are taking and what to expect.

Over the Counter Estrogen and Progesterone:

There’s a term called over-the-counter (OTC), which is used for drugs and medicines. Over the counter drugs are those drugs that are sold directly to consumers without a doctor’s advice. In the case of natural progesterone, this is considered the safest practice as a topical hormone cream does not interfere with the liver, digestion – or other hormones directly. Over the counter Estrogen and Progesterone medicines are also sold in retail stores. In the United States, estrogen is available in very low dosages. It is sold over the counter as a natural estrogen cream (estriol oil or cream being the lowest and safest available). Oral and vaginal rings are not the same and add to their dangers. Over the counter progesterone is primarily sold as a topical cream, which is known for many health benefits. Over the counter (OTC) products contain the essential hormone in varying strengths/concentrations as labeled, and the natural progesterone oil / estriol are not conjugated and molecularly changed. They are actually identical to what our own bodies make when healthy. Over the counter estrogen and progesterone might be used in normal medical conditions, but check with a doctor educated in natural, bioidentical hormone therapy (BHT) for clear information.

Natural Estrogen Cream Infographcis for Menopause Problem

Progesterone Side Effects:

With all the benefits mentioned, there are surely some risks and side effects associated with progesterone products. Since the medication involves hormonal activity, it is best to be educated about using it. More should be written about the dangers of progestins, but we should at least mention what might be considered progesterone side effects or sensitive situations. The side effects of using progesterone cream or progesterone products may differ from patient to patient. Few women will be very sensitive to the active ingredient, but often times it is progestins that are the culprit, but results are grouped in with natural progesterone. Generally, any drugs or medicines containing progesterone can cause the following side effects:

  • Weight gain
  • Blurred vision
  • Fatigue and headaches
  • Breast tenderness and enlargement
  • Swelling and Inflammation
  • Mood swings
  • Irritation at the application site

Most consumers report these effects on their first use since the body is not familiar with the new hormonal change. Over time, the body adapts to the change, and the adverse effects keep decreasing. Anyone experiencing long term side effects that do not fade away must consult a doctor.

Progesterone Weight Loss or Weight Gain:

As mentioned above, progesterone cream and products help in countering menopausal symptoms and in maintaining and supporting pregnancy. Since side effects of pregnancy involve weight gain as well, positive progesterone effects counter weight gain in pregnancy and help in controlling weight in pregnancy. However, there can be negative effects if the body doesn’t adjust to the administered hormones, which can result in weight gain as well.

Too much Progesterone:

As they say, excess of everything is bad, and so is the case with progesterone. Taking too much progesterone is rare. High conjugated (not naturally converted) levels of progestins are linked to the risk of breast cancer. Elevated progesterone levels during pregnancy are also supposed to be responsible for symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), such as breast tenderness, feeling bloated, and mood swings.

The Best Natural Bioidentical Hormone Cream:

Progesterone is one of the best natural bioidentical hormone creams for a lot of medical problems associated with women’s hormonal health and gynecological disorders. It can have a magic effect if approved forms and prescribed dosages are administered to women facing hormonal issues. Progesterone cream is very easy to apply since it gets absorbed in the skin very quickly and mixes in the blood stream readily to induce positive effects. Cautious use of progesterone cream with a doctor’s advice can help us maximize the positive impact of any hormone cream.

DISCLAIMER: These statements have not been approved by the FDA and we do not make any claims that this product or ingredient will cure, prevent, treat or even diagnose any disease. Studies linked here were conducted by independent labs for informational purposes. Please check with your doctor of choice for information regarding your own personal health profile and needs.

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