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Natural Digestive Enzymes Supplement for Proper Digestion
Natural Digestive Enzymes Supplement for Proper Digestion

How important is the proper digestion of food? Do you need a complete digestive enzyme supplement to facilitate proper digestion? Let’s find out below.


The complex process of digestion is initiated in the mouth, where food must be chewed well to physically break it into very small parts. Saliva, rich with enzymes, then acts on the chewed food to further break it down.

Once the food is swallowed down the esophagus and into the stomach, a series of chemical reactions takes place, catalyzed by more enzymes and gastric juices for complete digestion. It is important to note that food has to be correctly and fully digested for its nutrients to be effectively assimilated and used by the body for energy, growth, and cell repair.

Signs of Indigestion

Signs of indigestion or poor digestion may include bloating or feeling of fullness, frequent passing out of gas, nausea, and vomiting, grumbling stomach, discomfort or pain usually in the upper belly, and occasional loose stools that sometimes occur when the body cannot digest high amounts of sugar such as fructose in fruit and lactose in milk.

Role of Enzymes in Digestion

Enzymes are substances that bring about chemical reactions. The human body is equipped with digestive enzymes for chemical digestion, namely amylase for digesting carbohydrates into simpler compounds, protease for digesting protein into amino acids, lipase for fats, cellulase for fiber, sucrase for sugar, lactase for milk sugar, and maltase for maltose – a type of sugar from fruits and seeds. These enzymes are produced by the body in the mouth (saliva), stomach, pancreas, and intestines.

Insufficient Enzymes

In some individuals, the number of digestive enzymes declines due to ailments like stomach ulcers and autoimmune diseases. Because of age, the elderly also produce less HCL, an important chemical that converts pepsinogen into pepsin. Pepsin is an enzyme that digests protein in the stomach.

To remedy the insufficiency of enzymes, digestive enzyme supplementation is often needed.

Digestion Specialist Best Complete Digestive Enzyme Supplements Infographics

Complete Digestive Enzyme Supplement

Digestion Specialist by Whole Family Products is a complete digestive enzyme supplement that helps food reach the final stage of digestion. It contains 18 different enzymes all useful in breaking down different types of food such as fiber in vegetables, protein in plants and animals, carbohydrates, fats, sucrose (table sugar), milk sugar (lactose), and maltose (sugar in certain fruits and sweet potatoes).

Eating a well-balanced diet is utterly useless unless food is digested down to the last stage – absorption into the bloodstream. To maximize the utilization of food taken and to avoid the discomforts brought by indigestion, you could try Digestion Specialist and observe its effects on your digestive functions.

Do you think you need digestive enzyme supplements to ease your digestion? Get your Digestion Specialist now only at your trusted and safe natural health supplements shop online!

DISCLAIMER: These statements have not been approved by the FDA and we do not make any claims that this product or ingredient will cure, prevent, treat or even diagnose any disease. Studies linked here were conducted by independent labs for informational purposes. Please check with your doctor of choice for information regarding your own personal health profile and needs.

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