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How Natural Anti-Inflammatory Supplements Help in Inflammation
Inflammation is the body’s response against foreign particles in our body or a response to trauma that causes harm. Our bodies induce inflammation in order to get rid of the harm causing agents. The response is triggered when damage is done to the cells; the body produces inflammation signaling cells which are a part of an immune response.
Natural anti-inflammatory supplements can help in this kind of immune response if it lasts more than a few hours or days. During a normal inflammatory cycle, the body utilizes its immune cells, proteins, and antibodies to control damage to the affected part.
But if the inflammation becomes chronic and remains in the body longer than it is supposed to then it might start harming the surrounding cells and even organs.
How to Notice Chronic Inflammation
Acute inflammation comes and goes with obvious symptoms such as localized pain and swelling and are easy to detect. The symptoms of chronic inflammation are not so easy to detect. The following signs can be an indication of chronic inflammation:
- Pain in the chest
- Fever
- Body rashes
- Muscle fatigue
What Can Happen if Chronic Inflammation is Left as It Is?
If a chronic inflammatory response in the body persists and any help such as natural anti-inflammatory supplements is not taken, then there are ample chances of this response starting to affect the body. The damage done to the cells and tissues can lead to DNA alteration and even forced death of tissues.
Chronic inflammation can lead to other chronic diseases such as:
- Asthma
- Diabetes Mellitus
- Cardiovascular disorders
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Several cancers
Health conscious people know the importance of checking any inflammation in their body and adopting a lifestyle that reduces inflammation; One way to do so is by consuming natural anti-inflammatory supplements instead of relying on conventional medication therapy. But the question is: What is the best natural anti-inflammatory supplement? The following facts might help you decide that.
1. Quercetin
Blueberries are rich in quercetin. Its antioxidant properties may help the body by counteracting inflammation. Although other forms of berries are also rich in antioxidants,a study carried out by the Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences found that blueberries are the richest in antioxidants not only in the quantity but also in the vast variety of antioxidants that are present in them which makes it one of the best contenders for among natural anti-inflammatory supplements.
2. Alpha-linolenic Acid
Alpha-linolenic acid, also known as the omega-3 fatty acid, is recommended by health care professionals to improve brain function and develop healthier skin and a healthier heart. Wild salmon is a great source of alpha-linolenic acid. A study published in the Journal of Experimental Biology and Medicine highlights the role of omega-3 fatty acids in the anti-inflammatory response of the body. It helps in remarkably decreasing the inflammation in the body and is one of the best t anti-inflammatory supplements.
3. Green Vegetables
Green vegetables are a rich source of antioxidants and they are rich in flavonoids and vitamins. Flavonoids also have anti-inflammatory properties so the combined presence of antioxidants, flavonoids, and vitamins can lands it in the top ranks of natural anti-inflammatory supplements, as suggested by a study published in Biomedicines Journal.
4. Bromelain
Bromelain is produced by the body to keep check of the immune response of the body. The body secretes this enzyme to stop the inflammatory response from causing damage to the healthy cells. A study published in Biomedical Reports of Sandidos showed that bromelain also plays a role in maintaining the health of the heart. An excellent natural source of bromelain is pineapple, which also contains vitamins and trace minerals.
5. GTC (Ginger Turmeric Curcumin)
Ginger has long been known for its healing properties and efficacy in avoiding inflammation. Ginger is rich in plant chemicals such as gingerols and parasols that have anti-cancer properties. A study published in the International Journal of Preventive Medicine has highlighted the role of ginger in bringing about anti-inflammatory and antioxidative effects in the body.
According to a study published in Foods Journal, turmeric has long-standing properties that support the body in effectively managing inflammation and oxidative conditions in the body.
A study published in the Alternative Medicine Review showed that the molecules of curcumin are multifunctional in their role of interacting and counteracting the inflammatory signals towards the target of inflammation in the body.
The amazing properties of Ginger, Turmeric, and Curcumin have been combined to formulate a great product known as GTC by Whole Family Products. and working together contributes to GTC’s ability to reduce pain and inflammation.
To understand what is the best natural anti-inflammatory supplement and why GTC can lay claim to that title, it is important to know that the main ingredients which constitute GTC when combined can have a synergistic effect of bringing the anti-inflammatory characteristics of the compound to their maximum level.
The 13th chapter of Herbal Medicine: Biomolecular and Clinical Aspects discusses the properties of curcumin as a phytochemical with a plethora of properties some of which is its role in helping the body fight inflammation, oxidation, viral infection, bacterial infection, and so on. The chapter also highlights curcumin as one of the best natural anti-inflammatory supplements.
GTC contains these three highly effective extracts and is available in oral capsules. The prescribed dosage for adults is two capsules every day taken during a meal. They are not recommended for use by those under the age of 18.
Caution should be exercised before taking GTC if you are pregnant or lactating. If that is the case, consult your doctor before starting to take any products containing GTC. If consumption of GTC causes any reaction, you should consult your doctor immediately.