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Moringa Complex Powder Extract Health Benefits: Say Goodbye to Chronic UGH

Brenda Albano

May 13, 2020

Moringa Complex Powder Extract Health Benefits Say Goodbye to Chronic UGH 1200x628

The world surrounding us is full of wonders. Before mankind started relying on modern medicines, herbs and plants were the main sources of medicines and preventive treatments. These plants are still being used in traditional medicine to help humankind and have been scientifically proven to have many prophylactic abilities. One such plant is moringa, which has wonderful health benefits. It’s used primarily in raw and powder forms. You can also gain these benefits by using Moringa supplements like Moringa complex powder extract with a combination of parts of the plant.

Moringa complex provides you with a wide range of benefits and giving chronic illness a run for its money. If you are interested to know what makes this plant such a good source of health benefits and understand what these unique moringa health benefits are, read on.

What Is Moringa Oleifera?

Moringa oleifera is a plant. It is often referred to as the ben oil tree, the miracle tea, the drumstick tree, or the horseradish tree. The tree is a rich source of many beneficial compounds like protein, minerals, and vitamins.

This tree grows in Africa, Asia, and South America. You might be wondering what makes the Moringa tree so special. With very few known side effects, moringa can be used to help with a variety of health conditions. The moringa extract has anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, antibacterial, and antidepressant properties.

The Makeup of Moringa Extract

To understand the moringa tree and Moringa leaf benefits, it is important to first understand what the beneficial components of this particular plant are. The moringa extract has a handful of significant compounds like vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, B6, folate, ascorbic acid (vitamin c), calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc.

These commonly known compounds provide you with moringa leaf benefits to the fullest and are the reason for many of its disease-fighting properties.

4 Bioactive Compounds of Moringa Oleifera

The bioactive compounds make the Moringa oleifera truly special. Bioactive compounds are present in plants in small quantities but have a very large impact on human health. These bioactive compounds have specific actions in the human body that promote good health. Many of the bioactive compounds in the moringa tree components provide it with the ability to help with heart disease and chronic inflammation to name only a couple.

The main bioactive compounds found in moringa oleifera are:

1. Flavonoids

Flavonoids are naturally occurring compounds in many food items especially in the moringa plant. These compounds are rich in antioxidant activity and help your body velar out any toxins that may have accumulated over time. Flavonoids help with the regulation of cellular activity in the human body. They fight off free radicals that can result due to too much sunlight (UV) or breakdown of food.

In short, these compounds help the normal function of cells in your body and keep it free of stressors like free radicals or toxins. These powerful antioxidants help the naturally occurring antioxidants in the body. Though the human body does make its antioxidants, foods rich in antioxidants can help increase their activity. These flavonoids also have anti-inflammatory properties.

2. Phenolic Acids

Though more commonly found in seeds of fruits and leaves of vegetables, these wonderful compounds are a type of phytochemical called polyphenol. Phenolic acids have many critical functions in human bodies. These compounds also have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

3. Carotenoids

Carotenoids are fat-soluble compounds and have more than 600 different types. Carotenoid is a pigment found in plants. These pigments are what give plants their signature yellow, red, and orange colors. Moringa plant is rich in carotenoids.

These compounds are also powerful antioxidants. Commonly found in two forms; carotenes, and xanthophylls, they are provitamins. Provitamins are compounds which can be converted into vitamins in human bodies. Carotenoids in the moringa plant are rich in provitamin A. Vitamin A in the human body is essential for good health and growth. Vitamins regulate the normal functioning of eyes and immune function in the human body.

4. Vitamins

Moringa Oleifera is an excellent source of multiple vitamins like Vitamins A, C, niacin, and pantothenic acid. These vitamins are essential for many human body and health functions.

4.1 Vitamin A

Vitamin A in the human body plays a vital role. It is a fat-soluble compound that helps you maintain surface tissues like your skin, lungs, intestines, bladder, and inner ear. It regulates immune function by supporting the growth of T-cells. It also helps distribute T-cells in the human body. T-cells protect the human body from infection. Vitamin A also helps fetal development, healthy skin, and male and female reproduction.

Vitamin A also helps in improving human vision. The retinal, an active form of vitamin A, is necessary for color vision and how well people see in low light conditions. Vitamin A also protects the cornea and conjunctiva (a layer covering the surface of the human eye and inside of eyelids) in the human eye.

4.2 Vitamin C

Another important vitamin that moringa plants are a rich source of is Vitamin C. Vitamin C is one of the most multifunctional vitamins in nature. The human body cannot manufacture Vitamin C naturally, so it is important to have Vitamin C in the diet or form of supplements. It is recommended that men should at least take 90 mg of Vitamin C every day and women should consume 75 mg of it daily.

Vitamin C has a lot of health benefits. It is an antioxidant that can help strengthen immune responses and prevent problems like heart disease. Vitamin C also lowers blood pressure, and lower blood pressure can mean a lower risk of heart disease. One of its many advantages is that it can reduce blood uric levels that in turn can reduce gout attacks.

Vitamin C can also increase your immunity. It does so by encouraging the production of white blood cells. It also has the ability to prevent iron deficiency and c.

4.3 Niacin

Niacin is commonly known as Vitamin B3. It is one of the 8 types of Vitamin B. Moringa is a great source for Vitamin B3. As with all types of Vitamin B, B3 helps convert food into energy in the body. It is a major part of NAD and NADP, the two coenzymes that are involved in cellular metabolism. It is also an antioxidant and has an important role in cell signaling and manufacturing and repairing of human DNA.

The deficiency of niacin in the human body can lead to memory loss, confusion, depressions, headache, diarrhea, and skin problems.

Vitamin B3 can lower the bad LDL cholesterol in the human body by 5-20 percent. It can also increase HDL or good cholesterol by 15 to 35 percent. B3 can lower triglycerides by 20 to 50 percent. All of this can decrease the risk of heart disease.

One study: A randomized trial of nicotinamide and vitamin E in children with recent onset type 1 diabetes (IMDIAB IX) showed promising results.

It was observed that B3 can potentially also help diabetes 2 patients by lowering cholesterol. B3 also has the ability to boost brain function. Even some types of schizophrenia can be treated with it. B3 also improves skin function and protect skin cells from sun damage.

Niacin can also potentially help arthritis patients. It can ease symptoms of osteoarthritis, improving joint mobility and reducing the need for nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

4.4 Pantothenic Acid or Vitamin B5

Vitamin B5, also called pantothenic acid and pantothenate, is important in living a healthy life. B5 in the human body converts food into energy. B5 also has many different health benefits. It functions as a coenzyme A (CoA), which is involved in many chemical reactions in the body. B5 helps in the synthesis of cholesterol in the human body, along with red blood cells, stress-related hormones, sex hormones, and maintaining a healthy gut. B5 also helps process other vitamins like B2.

This vitamin can help lower cholesterol and LDL cholesterol in people with low to moderate cardiovascular risk. It can be useful in diabetes and diabetic angiopathy.

Moringa Complex Leaf Powder WFP Infographics

Other Bioactive Compounds of Moringa

Other important bioactive compounds of Moringa include Alkaloids, Tannins or Saponins.

  • Alkaloids have anesthetic, anti-malarial, anti-tumor, and anti-bacterial and painkilling properties. They can also act as agents to treat fibrillation. They are also great for the treatment of depression and neurodegenerative diseases.
  • Tannins and Saponins both are powerful antioxidant, antimicrobial, and antibacterial agents.

Summarizing the Awesome 5 Moringa Powder Health Benefits

The information described above establishes the fact that moringa powder extract has a lot of great health benefits that anyone can easily enjoy. Though results will vary these summarize the basic properties associated with continued use of the moringa plant.

1. Anticarcinogenic Properties of Moringa Complex

Among Moringa health benefits, the most pronounced is its anticarcinogenic and tumor properties.

2. Reduction in Inflammation

Vitamin components of the Moringa plant can help decrease chronic inflammation in the body.

3. Help with Diabetes

Many of the components of moringa powder extract are what give it its characteristic moringa health benefits. Chief among these benefits is its ability to help with healthy blood sugar levels / glucose balance.

4. Decreased Heart Risks

Moringa complex ingredient vitamin B may help lower cholesterol; helpful for the risk of heart disease.

5. Weight Loss with Moringa Complex

Animal and test-tube studies have revealed that moringa plants can help reduce the fat formation and also help break down the existing fat.

4 Different Forms of Moringa Supplements

Moringa supplements are available in the market in multiple forms like:

1. Moringa Powder

The most common form of moringa supplement is powder. Moringa powder benefits are immense. Moringa powder is made from the leaves of the moringa plant. But it can also contain the bark and other plant components of the moringa tree. All of the above-mentioned compounds can be found in moringa powder and are what provides the characteristic Moringa powder benefits

2. Moringa Oil

Moringa can also be found in the form of oil. Moringa oil is extracted from the seeds of the moringa plant. It can be used for cooking and also an ingredient in hair and skin products.

3. Moringa Tea

Moringa tea is present in the form of crushed and dried out moringa leaves in the commercial market. You can also directly use moringa tree leaves to brew tea.

4. Moringa Capsules

Moringa supplements can also be present in the form of capsules. These capsules contain moringa powder in different forms.

Side Effects of Moringa Extract

Moringa has almost no side effects and is well tolerated by the human body generally. Studies have shown that up to 50 grams of moringa powder taken in a single dose has no adverse effects.

However, the bark of the moringa tree has chemicals that when taken in large quantities can induce labor in pregnant women. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should consult their doctor before they take moringa supplements. Results may vary. Consult your doctor if you have concerns about any interactions to medications.

DISCLAIMER: These statements have not been approved by the FDA and we do not make any claims that this product or ingredient will cure, prevent, treat or even diagnose any disease. Studies linked here were conducted by independent labs for informational purposes. Please check with your doctor of choice for information regarding your own personal health profile and needs.

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