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The best natural progesterone cream for women may help many disappointed, grieving females move on from the pain of multiple miscarriages.
If you are one of these ladies, don’t lose hope! This article is for you.
What is Progesterone?
True to its label as the popular “pregnancy hormone,” progesterone provides women with all the necessary conditions for maintaining a robust pregnancy. Naturally secreted from the corpus luteum of the ovaries, placenta (when pregnant), and adrenal glands, this reproductive hormone assists in regulating the menstrual cycle, enhancing sexual desire, and conditioning the uterus for a healthy conception and pregnancy.
Its levels normally spike after ovulation or during the second half of the menstrual cycle and continue to be elevated if a pregnancy occurs. In the absence of pregnancy or should miscarriage happen, amounts of these hormones suddenly drop, bringing on menstruation or bleeding.
Progesterone as Pregnancy Support
Progesterone is primarily responsible for preparing, thickening, and prompting the endometrium (the inner lining of the uterus) to release special proteins so that a fertilized zygote can easily implant itself in it, develop, and receive nourishment from the placenta that forms alongside it.
Soon, the placenta aids in keeping sustained levels of progesterone, which are very critical in strengthening the uterine walls to be able to carry a baby throughout pregnancy.
Recurrent Miscarriage Due to Low Progesterone
Most women who went through the dark tunnel of miscarriage more than once testified that increased basal body temperature, tender and swollen breasts, vomiting, and food cravings made them think that their pregnancy is intact. But when the physical manifestations of pregnancy subsided, these would-be-moms knew deep within that something was wrong with their baby. True enough, their progesterone amounts had fallen, subsequently and unfortunately resulting in miscarriage.
Because a major decrease in progesterone eventually leads to the breakdown of the endometrium and bleeding or menstruation shortly after, low progesterone is believed by many to be a contributing factor behind recurrent miscarriages in women.
Natural Progesterone Cream: A Pregnancy Aid You Can Count On
If you feel trapped in a seemingly endless cycle of one miscarriage after another, know that you are not alone, and there are safe, non-invasive ways to help you attain that long-awaited pregnancy.
First thing, do have your hormonal levels checked. We have a simple, D-I-Y saliva hormone testing you can perform in the comfort of your home.
Once you discover you have poor progesterone, you can supplement with the best natural progesterone cream, Whole Family Products Cycle Balance Cream derived from the roots of Mexican Wild Yam. It contains bioidentical progesterone USP at 20 mg per ¼ teaspoon along with other essential oils and herbs. (If you’re looking for an added hormonal boost, we also have natural hormone cream Balance Cream with 25 mg progesterone USP per ¼ teaspoon.)
Having talked about recurrent miscarriages, would you agree that low progesterone could be the culprit? Do you know someone who has experienced this? What would you advise her? We’d love to hear from you in the comments.