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Glyphosate and Gluten Intolerance Relationship – Learn the 4 Suggestions on How to Protect Yourself From It

Brenda Albano

August 15, 2022

Glyphosate and Gluten Intolerance Relationship - Learn the 4 Suggestions on How To Protect Yourself from It

Glyphosate or Gluten? The Relationship Between Glyphosate and Gluten Intolerance

People have paid significant attention to gluten and its effects on the body in recent years. Although only an estimated 1% of the population suffers from Celiac disease, up to 6% or more have a non-celiac gluten intolerance or sensitivity. It’s almost becoming a new type of epidemic. In fact, over the past 50 years, diagnoses of celiac and non-celiac intolerances have increased significantly.

Reducing gluten intake or going “gluten-free” are dietary changes many individuals make to feel healthier and more energetic and to address digestive issues. But what if it’s not the actual gluten causing your gluten intolerance and symptoms?

Recent research has shown the relationship between glyphosate and gluten intolerance may be the culprit, suggesting that the symptoms of celiac disease have more to do with the chemical than the actual gluten. Continue reading to understand more about this important connection and how you can protect yourself from glyphosate and feel healthier as a result.

What Is Glyphosate Used For?

Glyphosate is the primary active ingredient in the commercial weed killer Roundup. According to the EPA, farmers and others use it to control broadleaf weeds and grasses. Since 1974, over 240 million pounds of this broad-spectrum herbicide have been used on crops and landscapes worldwide, and almost two-thirds of the spraying occurred within the last decade. It is one of the herbicides that are most frequently used in the US.

Farmers frequently use glyphosate in crops such as soybean, corn, cotton, and sugar beet, but they also use it for other fruits, vegetables, and nuts. More importantly, farmers rely on this chemical to aid in the drying out of wheat crops for faster harvesting and a bigger yield.

Glyphosate is also used in non-agricultural settings to control weeds on conservation land, pastures, aquatic areas, residential areas, turf, pine trees, Christmas trees, and many other commonly used areas.

What Does Glyphosate Have to Do With Celiac Disease?

People diagnosed with celiac disease cannot eat anything with wheat without having a bad reaction. This group of individuals has an abnormal gene that causes the immune system to attack the small intestine when they ingest gluten. In turn, this attack affects nutrient absorption and can lead to other issues, such as nausea, diarrhea, skin issues, and autoimmune disorders. These individuals also have a high level of antibodies in their blood that fight gluten.

So what is the link between glyphosate and gluten intolerance or celiac disease? Some scientists now think the two things are extremely closely related.

As mentioned, farmers in the United States heavily spray Roundup on wheat crops shortly before harvesting them because it causes the wheat to dry out quickly. This process, known as desiccation, is a way for farmers to increase their yield by speeding up the harvest and, in turn, lowering their costs.

So in the case of celiac disease, the “gluten” intolerance may not be actually related to the wheat at all, but rather, as some recent studies suggest, to the glyphosate sprayed on the wheat before harvest.

In these studies, fish exposed to glyphosate show problems with their digestive system, similar to those with celiac disease. Although a fish’s digestive system is different from that of a human being, one cannot ignore the coincidence in this study. Further research indicated that this imbalance in gut bacteria could positively be traced to the known effects of glyphosate on the body.

Causes of Gluten Intolerance

For people who have not received a celiac diagnosis, gluten intolerance can cause many of the same physical issues and symptoms. Strangely enough, scientists cannot pinpoint the exact causes of gluten intolerance in a non-celiac individual. All they know is that these individuals do not have the same abnormal gene or blood antibodies that would diagnose them with the disease but still have similar physical symptoms after eating gluten.

Some of the suggested causes of gluten intolerance in people who haven’t been diagnosed with celiac include:

  • A wheat allergy
  • Sensitivity to a different carbohydrate found in foods
  • Wheat affects the lining of the digestive tract and allows bacteria to leak from the intestines
  • Chemicals in the wheat (a link between glyphosate and gluten intolerance)

Glyphosate and Gluten Intolerance Symptoms

Although glyphosate was initially marketed as non-toxic to humans because our bodies don’t contain the plant enzyme it seeks to destroy, it can affect the bacteria in our intestines, especially the good bacteria, and cause adverse effects and symptoms.

Some of the common symptoms of glyphosate intolerance include:

  • Leaky gut
  • Gas and bloating
  • Constipation
  • Acid reflux
  • Deficiencies in essential minerals (like manganese, sulfate, and iron)
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Autoimmune diseases

Now, if you look at the list of typical gluten intolerance symptoms, you can see that glyphosate and gluten intolerance symptoms overlap significantly.

Symptoms of gluten intolerance include:

  • Bloating
  • Diarrhea and constipation
  • Pain in the stomach
  • Pain in the joints and muscles
  • Headaches
  • Fatigue
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Brain fog

Signs You May Be Gluten Intolerant

If you think you can trace your physical symptoms to gluten intolerance, look for these specific signs and then speak with your doctor about whether you can link them to glyphosate and gluten intolerance.

  • Extensive digestive issues (diarrhea, bloating, gas, constipation)
  • Fatigue or brain fog after consuming food that contains gluten
  • A recent autoimmune disorder diagnosis (i.e., psoriasis, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, Hashimoto’s)
  • Dizziness or an “off-balance” feeling
  • Inflammation
  • Mood swings, anxiety, depression
  • Migraine headaches

Side Effects of Glyphosate on Food

To this day, the EPA continues to maintain that there are no harmful effects of glyphosate on humans. However, it’s hard not to link some common ailments and disorders to the increased use of this chemical on our crops.

In fact, if you eat any commercially-grown corn or soy in the United States, you eat food treated with glyphosate. Not only are you eating foods treated with this herbicide, but you are also eating Genetically Modified foods (GMOs) developed specifically to withstand the application of glyphosate.

It’s not just corn and soy, though. Most non-organic or GMO food has been sprayed with this herbicide, so it’s hard not to find exposure to it in your food.

Here are some common symptoms people experience from eating food treated with glyphosate.

  • Destruction of good gut bacteria
  • Slowed metabolism
  • Formation of certain cancers
  • Increased fat storage/insulin resistance
  • Obesity/Type 2 Diabetes
  • Body inflammation and chronic diseases
  • Autism
  • Kidney Failure

As you can see, these symptoms mimic both celiac symptoms and gluten intolerance symptoms.

Protect Yourself from Glyphosate and Gluten Intolerance

The Relationship Between Glyphosate and Gluten Intolerance

So, is gluten intolerance really glyphosate poisoning?

As discussed, scientists have not come to a clear conclusion regarding the origin and specific cause of gluten intolerance, only that it has grown more prevalent among the population in recent years.

Since the use of glyphosate has only continued to increase since its introduction in the 1970s, one can reasonably deduce that glyphosate poisoning has something to do with the fact that more people than ever before now experience some sort of gluten intolerance.

Additionally, the studies mentioned earlier that show how fish exposed to glyphosate developed celiac-like conditions suggest that there’s something fundamental to the relationship between glyphosate and gluten intolerance.

Glyphosate poisoning does not happen rapidly or all at once. Instead, the glyphosate builds up slowly, accumulating over time and eventually leading to health consequences. Perhaps that’s why many people with a current gluten intolerance did not always have the condition.

Many doctors have noticed in recent years that they see more and more patients with deficient levels of sulfate, which some say can directly contribute to glyphosate. Therefore, according to research by Dr. Stephanie Seneff, a senior research scientist at MIT, decreased sulfate levels may be the primary reason people today suffer from gluten intolerance.

Glyphosate and Gut Health

As mentioned, glyphosate can affect the gut’s good bacteria, leading to the symptoms and issues associated with celiac disease or gluten intolerance. Anything we put into our bodies must enter into our gut and has the potential to affect it positively or negatively.

Foods contaminated with glyphosate have a significant impact on your gut bacteria. In one study, rats exposed to supposedly “safe” levels of glyphosate showed an extensive impact on their gut microbiome. Additionally, beneficial bacteria like Enterococcus faecalis, Enterococcus faecium, Bacillus badius, Bifidobacterium adolescentis, and Lactobacillus were destroyed by glyphosate, while harmful pathogens like Salmonella and Clostridium were resistant to it.

With the beneficial bacteria in our systems potentially destroyed by glyphosate, it’s no wonder the body cannot fight certain diseases as well as it should.

Top 4 Suggestions on How to Protect Yourself From Glyphosate

Since glyphosate is found in so many foods and all around us in our environment, it can prove impossible to prevent exposure. However, there are specific steps that you can take to protect yourself from glyphosate, including modifying your diet and using supplements to help cleanse your body and detoxify from the chemical. Here’s an overview of some of the leading suggestions.

1. Adjust What You’re Eating

One of the first steps many people take when they realize the relationship between glyphosate and gluten intolerance is to adjust their eating habits to help avoid or reduce exposure to glyphosate. Strong awareness of what you put into your body can help make it not overwhelming to decide what to eat and what not to eat. Some significant dietary changes that you can make to reduce your glyphosate exposure include the following:

Eat Organic

You’ve heard this so many times before but organic foods are not sprayed with pesticides. Therefore, if you switch most of your food intake to organic items, you will significantly reduce the amount of glyphosate in your system. Of course, even eating organic does not guarantee that you will not have some exposure to glyphosate. Because it’s so prevalent, even some certified-organic foods will have some of the residues. This fact can be linked to glyphosate found in rainwater and the environment.

If you can’t purchase all of your food organic, try switching some of the most heavily sprayed items to “organic-only” versions. These foods include berries, leafy greens, celery, and potatoes. Other fruits with peels that you eat will also fall into this category.

It’s also a good idea to purchase fruits, vegetables, and meats from local farmers when you can. Many small farms utilize organic practices but do not officially have the “certified organic” designation.

Avoid GMOs

If you’re primarily eating organic foods, chances are that you are already avoiding GMOs. However, eating an entirely organic diet is very cost-prohibitive for many people. People who consume foods that are not organic should look for non-GMO options whenever possible. GMO foods will have the highest levels of glyphosate in them because they were developed for the sole purpose of being able to withstand spraying with Roundup.

It’s not enough to simply look at the typical worst-offenders, such as grains, corn, soy, and canola, but rather also note any products that may include these items as ingredients and purchase non-GMO options for them as well.

Some of these products include:

  • Cereals
  • Granola/Snack bars
  • Baked Goods
  • Bread

It’s a good rule of thumb to try and only eat organic bread as well since bread is made with wheat and would have likely been sprayed with glyphosate before harvesting.

Eat More Sulfur-Rich Foods

As mentioned, doctors are starting to see a link between sulfate deficiency and gluten intolerance and attribute the sulfate deficiency to glyphosate exposure. If you eat foods with a good amount of sulfur, you can help replenish this essential element in your body and aid in the detoxification of glyphosate.

Some examples of sulfur-rich foods include:

  • Organic cheese
  • Eggs
  • Garlic
  • Onions

Of course, make sure that you try to purchase the organic versions of these items to avoid introducing more glyphosate into your system.

Avoid Using Vegetable Oils

Many of these popular cooking oils, like canola oil, peanut oil, sunflower oil, and soybean oil, are produced with GMO crops, which, as discussed, will expose you to glyphosate. You’re safer to use oils like coconut oil, organic olive oil, organic butter, or ghee.

Grow Your Own Food

Of course, it doesn’t get any better than growing your own food, if possible. Consider it if you have room in your yard for even a small garden. Plant organic and non-GMO seeds and plants and grow your food without pesticides. Then you can be confident that you know how it was grown and what you have sprayed on it.

2. Detoxify or “Cleanse” Your Body

A detoxification regime can help clear your body of toxins, improve your gut health, and restore energy.

We recommend starting with a 15 Day Cleanse for a Quick Detoxification that will provide your body with a powerful detox in a short period. After 15 days, you should start to notice improved digestion, more energy, and even weight loss.

WFP Infographics 15 Day Cleanse 30ct

You can also help cleanse and improve your liver’s function with a BioFilms Detox, which works to remove toxins from your body and can help purify your blood.

Too much buildup of biofilms in the body can cause your liver to operate less effectively and therefore not be able to cleanse your body, detoxify, or fight infections as efficiently. This detox combines the effectiveness of Bentonite Clay with other natural therapeutic herbs to help the body rid itself of heavy metals, toxins, and bacterial biofilms.

3. Repair Your Digestive System

We now know that glyphosate exposure disrupts your natural gut bacteria, mainly killing the “good” bacteria in your intestines. Increasing your dietary probiotic intake can help to repair the damage caused by glyphosate to your gut. Probiotics also give you a healthier immune system. Foods such as organic apple cider vinegar (also found in Organic Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies and capsules), kombucha, sauerkraut, and other fermented foods can act as probiotics in your system.

However, if you want to increase your intake of dietary probiotics without eating those foods, a high-quality supplement can help. Alive Probiotics with 5 Billion live organisms promote a healthy digestive tract when taken regularly as a supplement. It contains over 5 billion live organisms that assist with rebalancing your gut bacteria, and it also helps protect the digestive system from yeast and bacterial infections and improve overall gut health. Alive Ultra Probiotic with 30 Billion live organisms to support gastrointestinal health has 30 billion organisms of different strains than Alive Probiotics. Each supplement has its own powers.

In addition to adding probiotics to your diet and supplement regime, you can also consider a digestive enzyme supplement, which helps your body break down large molecules into smaller ones that will digest better.

These enzymes can also assist with faster absorption of nutrients and overall easier digestion of foods. Glyphosate inhibits the effective absorption of nutrients in the body and can cause your digestive system not to break down molecules as effectively as it should.

Digestion Specialist Best Complete Digestive Enzyme Supplements Infographics

The Natural Digestive Enzyme Supplement, Digestion Specialist contains 18 different enzymes to help with proper digestion. This complex effectively helps the body to break down:

  • Proteins and fats
  • Carbohydrates and sugars
  • Phytic Acid from nuts and grains
  • Plant wall fibers

As you detoxify from glyphosate and work to repair your gut, introducing an enzyme regime may help you to see improvement in symptoms more quickly.

4. Be Aware Of Your Surroundings

Since glyphosate exposure can exist independent of the foods you choose to eat, another way to protect yourself from glyphosate poisoning is to have a good awareness of your surroundings and environment.

It should go without saying that you should avoid using Roundup at home. A quick check in your garage or shed may reveal that you have a bottle lying around and have used it to clear weeds in your own yard. Throw it out and instead choose to use only natural weed killers around your home to avoid direct exposure to glyphosate.

In the same way, if you use a commercial lawn care company for weed and lawn treatments, check to see what kind of products they use. If you find that they use glyphosate products, consider switching to a company that uses more natural herbicides or even getting rid of the service altogether (you can always hand-pick your weeds) or pay a local teen less than the service costs.

If you visit a nearby park or other recreation area and see a “recently sprayed” sign posted, avoid the area in the near future. Doing so will limit you and your family’s exposure to this harmful chemical. Many cities require posting these signs when they will spray a public area. Better yet find out if your town is aware of the dangers and the number of people who might be harmed by it.

List of Glyphosate-Free Foods

Luckily, if you do your research and shop carefully, you can find glyphosate-free options in your supermarket for many common foods. The Detox Project has created a comprehensive brand of companies and products that are verified as free from glyphosate.

Some of the more recognizable companies on the list include:

  • Chosen Foods
  • Uncle Matt’s
  • Oatly
  • Once Upon A Farm
  • Thrive Market
  • Kettle & Fire
  • Swoozys

This list is just a small sampling of the companies striving to bring healthier foods to the marketplace. As awareness continues, hopefully, the list will grow even more extensive.


1. Is glyphosate harmful to humans?

Yes. Numerous studies have shown that glyphosate has harmful effects on the human body. Even the World Health Organization concluded that glyphosate is “probably carcinogenic to humans.” As more information continuously becomes available, there is good evidence to conclude that exposure to glyphosate in food and the environment can cause various health issues. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) determined that glyphosate is an animal carcinogen and a probable human carcinogen, so the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) added it to the Proposition 65 list as of July 7, 2017, according to the listings for Proposition 65.

2. How is gluten intolerance tested?

Options exist to test for gluten intolerance at home or through your healthcare professional. At home, you can perform a 30-day “elimination diet,” where you remove gluten from your diet for 30 days and then reintroduce it. The theory is that if you feel better without gluten in your diet and worse again when you reintroduce it, you may have a gluten intolerance.

If you prefer to get tested through your healthcare professional, he or she can order specific tests that can help determine if gluten poses a problem. However, these tests often have considerable room for error and false negatives.

These testing options do not apply to Celiac disease, which must be officially diagnosed with an intestinal biopsy.

3. How to test for glyphosate in your body?

Unfortunately, few options currently exist on the market to test for glyphosate in your own body. Most doctors and labs say they cannot perform urine testing for this chemical. However, a group called Moms Across America was not satisfied with this result and compiled a list of laboratories performing the testing. Currently, you can pay out-of-pocket to have your urine or breast milk tested for glyphosate through Great Plain Laboratories, Detox Project, and HRI Labs.

4. How to test for glyphosate in food?

You can test for glyphosate in some foods using the newly developed Abraxis GlyphoCheck home test. This test will allow you to analyze the presence of glyphosate in the following foods in your home:

  • Water
  • Beer
  • Honey
  • Cereal/Infant Cereal
  • Whole Oats
  • Wheat
  • Corn
  • Soybeans
  • Soil
5. Can gluten intolerance go away?

There is some evidence that suggests that gluten intolerance can go into remission. However, other experts believe that once you have gluten intolerance, you have it for life.

Since we’ve looked at the link between glyphosate and gluten intolerance, we believe that an excellent place to start before committing to be “gluten-free” for life is to first detoxify from glyphosate and see if your symptoms improve.

As mentioned, a 15-day Cleanse, BioFilm Detox, a good Probiotic Supplement, and the addition of Digestive Enzymes can jump-start the detoxification process and continue to protect you from glyphosate.

Suppose your symptoms improve by detoxing and performing the other steps we outlined to protect yourself from glyphosate. In that case, it’s possible you did not have gluten intolerance but rather glyphosate poisoning symptoms.

More related topics worth reading:

Getting to Know About 15 Day Cleanse and Why It is Called A Powerful Cleansing
Get To Know About Biofilm And Why Is It Important To Have A Defense?
Probiotics 101: Choosing The Best Natural Probiotic Supplements
Natural Digestive Enzyme Supplement for Proper Digestion

DISCLAIMER: These statements have not been approved by the FDA and we do not make any claims that this product or ingredient will cure, prevent, treat or even diagnose any disease. Studies linked here were conducted by independent labs for informational purposes. Please check with your doctor of choice for information regarding your own personal health profile and needs.

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