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Female Hormone Balance Ingredients

Brenda Albano

February 23, 2013

The Female Hormone Balance ingredients are a synergistic blend of herbs and extracts designed for restoring balance. These are herbs that have been used across the ages in traditional folk and Chinese medicine. This formula supports the balancing of both progesterone and estrogen.

Just take a look at their strengths and contraindications:

Soy Isoflavones

  • Soy Isoflavones have been used as a remedy for prostate and breast cancer.
  • Soy Isoflavones can bind to the same hormone receptor sites as estrogen for help in premenopause and postmenopause.
30 mg *
Black Cohosh (2.5% extract): More than 12 grams can cause vomiting, dizziness, headache, and lowered blood pressure. Contraindicated in pregnancy and not recommended for use when taking birth control pills because of their phyto-estrogenic properties.

  • Black Cohosh has been used in traditional Native American folk medicine for uterine-related issues like spasms and dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation).
  • May promote menstruation.
  • Black Cohosh can reduce levels of LH but not affect FSH.
  • Black Cohosh is used when there is a need to level progesterone and estrogen.
160 mg *
Dong Quai (1% extract)

  • Dong Quai has traditionally been used to address blood concerns.
  • Dong Quai is considered a blood tonic and has been shown to have certain effects on protecting the liver.
  • Dong Quai is used for its effects as a uterine tonic and also regulates contractions, but Dong Quai does not have any estrogenic properties.
150 mg *
Licorice (1% extract): Contraindicated for pregnancy, diabetes, kidney insufficiencies, liver disorders, high blood pressure, potassium deficiencies or heart disease, edema, or congestive heart failure.

  • Licorice root extends the life of adrenal hormones.
  • Licorice root may be helpful in nervous and physical exhaustion.
  • Licorice root contains phytoestrogens that can perform similar activity as the body’s own estrogens.
  • Licorice may enhance immunity by boosting levels of interferon.
  • Soothes pain and can reduce fevers.
  • Helpful in menopause as well as estrogen imbalance situations.
  • Used to alleviate hirsutism, liver problems, psoriasis, and baldness.
150 mg *
Vitex Berry (herb powder) (AKA Chaste tree berry): Suppresses lactation. Rare side effects might be nausea or vomiting. Contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation.

  • Suppresses FSH – Follicle Stimulating Hormone. Used when FSH is higher than it should be.
100 mg *
Red Clover (1% extract): No contraindications with normal use. Contains several estrogen-like components. May interfere with sex hormone therapy.

  • May reduce heart palpitations in menopause.
  • Contains isoflavones associated with estrogen-like effects
400 mg *
Sage Extract: May reduce lactation

  • Anti-spasmodic
  • Mild anti-depressant
  • Used for menopause
  • May aid with sweats.
200 mg *
False Unicorn (herb powder) Helonias Root: Not recommended for pregnancy.

  • False Unicorn Root is also known as Helonias Root.
  • False Unicorn is also known for its effects on painful menstruation as well as absent menstruation.
  • Perhaps, False Unicorn can help clear pelvic congestion and promote circulation.)
50 mg *
Squaw Vine (herb powder): No concerns with long-time use, not recommended for pregnancy and lactation.

  • Recognized for its use in menstrual disorders, anxiety, and preparation for childbirth.
  • May help with amenorrhea (absent menstruation) and dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation).
  • Helpful in toning the liver and uterus.
20 mg *
Blessed Thistle (herb powder)

  • Blessed thistle has been indicated for clearing the liver.
  • Blessed thistle is known for use where there is inflammation.
  • May help with lactation.
50 mg *
Red Raspberry Extract: No contraindications established.

  • Normally indicated in the last months of pregnancy to prepare the uterus for birth.
  • Effective for strengthening the uterus and regulating contractions.
  • Used for heavy periods
  • Used for help with gastrointestinal concerns
  • Contains ellagic acid; high in antioxidants
  • Indicated for nausea from pregnancy and morning sickness
50 mg *
Mexican Wild Yam (12.5% extract): No harmful side effects have been registered.

  • Has been traditionally used for ovarian pain and menstruation.
  • Known for its use as an anti-inflammatory
  • May offset estrogen
  • Said to have progesterone and estrogen effects but no conclusive evidence.
  • Helpful in liver detoxification
15 mg *

DISCLAIMER: These statements have not been approved by the FDA and we do not make any claims that this product or ingredient will cure, prevent, treat or even diagnose any disease. Studies linked here were conducted by independent labs for informational purposes. Please check with your doctor of choice for information regarding your own personal health profile and needs.

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