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Chrysin and Prostate Enlargement: Is There Really A Therapeutic Relationship?

Brenda Albano

July 6, 2020

Chrysin and Prostate Enlargement Is There Really A Therapeutic Relationship 1200x628

If you are a man above the age of 50 and have some problems with the prostate, you might have heard from a doctor or friend about the therapeutic relationship that exists between chrysin and the prostate. Chrysin is one of those therapeutic supplements that have been deemed a possible benefit for men suffering from benign prostatic hyperplasia or prostate enlargement.

Prostate enlargement is one of the most common problems that affect men above the age of 50. In men between the ages of 51-60, 50 percent suffer from prostate enlargement and in men above the age of 80, nearly 90 percent of them suffer from it. In 2010 alone, there were 14 million men in America that suffered from prostate enlargement and its possible complications.

Chrysin Max - Natural Aromatase Inhibitor

Although a large portion of elderly men suffers from this condition, for most, there are ways to avoid and combat it. Even if you are suffering from benign prostate enlargement, chrysin may be an effective way to help those with the condition. Chrysin’s results show amazing promise in this regard and studies have shown that it may help eliminate or reduce prostate enlargement naturally. Not only for prostate enlargement but it has been studied for gynecomastia as well.

You might ask why or how to make sure of its efficacy before use. To answer that question, read on to know all the details.

What is Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia or Enlarged Prostate?

Benign prostatic hyperplasia or prostate enlargement is the condition in which the size of the prostate increases but the growth is non-cancerous. The prostate is a walnut-sized gland that is present between the male bladder and the penis. The prostate changes size, two times in the life of a man. The first is when he hits puberty and the secondary growth is when a man is around 25. It may continue to increase in size after that as well. The abnormal enlargement occurs in this second phase of growth when a man crosses the age of 50.

Increased prostate then puts pressure against the urethra which leads to thickening of the bladder wall. Eventually, the bladder weakens, and the bladder cannot be drained completely of the urine. This can cause health complications in men.

What Causes Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia?

The cause is not well understood as of yet, however testosterone plays an important role. All men produce this hormone and a small amount of estrogen as well, which is the female hormone. As men age, the concentration of testosterone decreases leaving behind a higher proportion of estrogen in the blood. Studies over the years have shown that prostate enlargement may occur due to this high proportion of estrogen in the body. High estrogen in the prostate combined with other factors increases the growth of prostate cells.

Another reason can be the dihydrotestosterone (DHT) hormone. This hormone has a special role in how the prostate develops and grows over time. When testosterone decreases in men with age, the men continue to produce high amounts of DHT in the prostate. This accumulation causes prostate cells to grow. This theory has been confirmed after the fact that men who do not produce DHT, do not report problems like prostate enlargement.

What are the Symptoms of Enlarged Prostate?

There are some clear-cut signs and symptoms of an enlarged prostate, that can signal abnormal growth. These include:

  • Urinating more than eight times a day
  • The inability to delay urination
  • Trouble in starting of urination
  • Disrupted urine stream
  • Dribbling at the end of urination
  • Frequent need for urination during sleeping
  • Accidental loss of urination
  • Pain during and after urination
  • Unusual color or smell of urine
  • Urinary retention

What Is Chrysin and Why Might It Be For You?

Chrysin (5, 7-dihydroxyflavone) is a flavonoid. Flavones or flavonoids are basically special compounds present in many plants and foods. Over the years, flavonoids have been used as medicine and food supplements for a variety of issues. These flavonoids can act as anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial, and antioxidant agents.

Chrysin Max Natural Aromatase Inhibitor Infographics

Chrysin is a powerful inhibitor of an enzyme known as aromatase which helps in the conversion of different sex hormones. Chrysin natural aromatase inhibitor has serious therapeutic benefits when it comes to prostate enlargement and other testosterone and estrogen related issues. Aromatase levels increase in the human body with age. This means that it can cause an imbalance between testosterone and estrogen by increasing the amount of estrogen in the body.

Chrysin aromatase inhibitor works by stopping the process of conversion from testosterone into estradiol and androstenedione to estrone (estrogen). So basically, it is an aromatase inhibitor and also plays the role of blocking estrogen.

What is Chrysin Good For?

Chrysin is multifunctional and works as an estrogen blocker, aromatase inhibitor and also helps with many issues related to sex hormones. It has been known to help men with the maintenance of strength, muscle mass, energy, and libido. Bodybuilders, men with an enlarged prostate, men undergoing hormone replacement therapy, and men with gynecomastia (enlarged breasts due to imbalance of hormones) can use Chrysin for a possible reduction in symptoms and potential improvement of their conditions. In fact, according to many satisfied users, Chrysin based creams like Chrysin Max are the best creams for prostate enlargement and gynecomastia.

Chrysin may even be a consideration according to one study on how aromatase inhibitors can be helpful for post-menopausal women and breast cancer. (Check with your doctor to determine if your health profile may benefit from supplemental chrysin and how safe it is for you.)

The Link Between Chrysin and Prostate

There is a clear therapeutic link between chrysin and prostate that is enlarged.

In an animal study in which scientists looked at the role of Chrysin in the reduction of benign prostate hyperplasia, it was shown that chrysin protected against the enlargement of the prostate in rats. (Chrysin Max cream has not been tested on animals.)

In another animal study, it was seen that chrysin protected the normal testicular morphology and it also was better tolerated by the prostate than testosterone treatment. (Chrysin Max cream has not been tested on animals.)

Chrysin for prostate has been studied for its possible supplemental benefits in certain cases of prostate cancer. In one Pub Med study, of the effects of chrysin on prostate cancer cells, it was seen that chrysin caused the death of these cancer cells while reducing the expression of proliferating cell nuclear antigen as well.

Chrysin based creams may provide some relief for prostate concerns as topicals are considered highly effective as a method of supplementation. Results will vary while using topical chrysin as opposed to amounts in the above studies. Check with your doctor if you have a history of or have concerns about prostate cancer.

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DISCLAIMER: These statements have not been approved by the FDA and we do not make any claims that this product or ingredient will cure, prevent, treat or even diagnose any disease. Studies linked here were conducted by independent labs for informational purposes. Please check with your doctor of choice for information regarding your own personal health profile and needs.

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