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Chronic Pain

As the owner of Whole Family Products and a fellow sufferer of chronic pain from diagnosed adrenal exhaustion and 3 compressed cervical discs, I can personally attest to the need for pain relief, NOW.  I am a diehard, never takes a pain killer, kind of girl, so we had to have products that would work for ME.  We have added a line of chronic and pain relief products like Pain Away and CBD Ultra Pain Relief Creams just for starters and my personal world has changed completely.

The writer of these articles has fibromyalgia and has been studying chronic pain for years.  Robin is a Certified Nutrition Counselor who writes about how to live with chronic pain, to naturally and practically fight chronic pain, and how to enjoy life more fully through the eyes of one who knows your pain and one who understands the science of pain.

Grab a cup of chamomille, ginger or tumeric tea, sit back and enjoy reading some of her insights.