What Cardio Health Facts Do You Know?
Check out the cardio health facts and questions/answers below. See what you already know and what you know now.
Fact: Heart attacks hit more than 1.5 million Americans! That’s 1 person every 20 seconds! Don’t be next.
What are the 4 Deadliest Heart Blockers?
- Cholesterol
- Inflammation
- Homocysteine
- Elasticity
CARDIO V SPECIALIST gives your heart a second chance!
Test Your Heart Health IQ
Q: At age 60, who has a higher incidence of a heart attack? Men or Women?
A: Women – Statistics show that women have a 54% incidence of a heart attack, while men have 46%.
Q: Who has a greater chance of dying from their first Heart Attack, Men or Women?
A: Women – Again, statistics show that women’s mortality rate on their first Heart Attack is 50%, while men’s is only 30%.
Q: How long does it take for permanent brain damage to occur after the heart stops beating?
A: Only 4-6 minutes before irreversible brain damage occurs.
Q: True or false: The world’s best exercise, running, provides a great defense against serious heart disease.
A: False. A study published in New England S. of Medicine says the highest mortality rate is among men who exercise long and hard; men with less vigorous exercise have a lower mortality rate.