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14 Incredible Black Cumin Seed Oil Benefits and What It’s Good For

Brenda Albano

July 4, 2021

14 Incredible Black Cumin Seed Oil Benefits

Getting To Know Black Cumin Seed Oil Benefits

Black Cumin Seed Oil has such a great list of benefits. Let’s dissect each one at a time and see why this incredibly simple supplement might be a help to you.

What is black cumin seed oil? Nigella Sativa is a small shrub with purple or white-tinged flowers that grows in the Middle East, Eastern Europe, and western Asia. It has been named a miracle herb that may be a help to multiple ailments and concerns. It is even a protective agent against many natural or chemical toxins.

What is black cumin seed oil good for? The question should be what isn’t black seed oil not good for. Let’s list down some of black cumin seed oil benefits, however, some may not have enough studies to back them up.

Black Cumin Seed Oil WFP Infographics

14 Amazing Health Benefits of Black Cumin Seed Oil

For centuries, black cumin seed, Nigella Sativa, has been used for alternative medicinal purposes. This plant is mostly known for its intense components, the major constituent which is Thymoquinone. Several research studies have come up with health benefits of black cumin seed oil. The following links are to studies done on this amazing plant and its benefits:

  1. Anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.
  2. Antioxidant packed.
  3. Helps eradicate bacteria, viral, parasites, and fungi due to the presence of Thymoquinone in NS oil
  4. Can aid in blood sugar regulation. May significantly lower FBS, triglycerides, LDL-C, and HbA1c of patients with type 2 diabetes. (Consult your doctor as needed.)
  5. Helps slow down development of ulcers
  6. Helps in blood and heart functions with its anti-toxicity effects.
  7. Protects the liver and kidneys.
  8. Strengthens the respiratory system. Asthma, bronchitis symptoms, and allergic rhinitis.
  9. Improves learning, memory, and attention
  10. Like all great healthy oils it also boasts of possible cancer-fighting properties.
  11. May help with high blood pressure.
  12. Helps with obesity in women when it is combined with a low-calorie diet.
  13. Relief for certain skin diseases such as hand eczema and vitiligo.
  14. Positive effects on male fertility.

Black seed cumin oil may help counter obstructive respiratory disorders similar to those like Covid-19. After some research, it has been suggested that Nigella sativa could be a hope to deccelerate the effects of the virus of the Covid-19 pandemic..

Black Cumin Seed Oil Side Effects

The use of black cumin seed oil has been considered safe in studies. When administered to healthy individuals for 8 weeks, there were no notable side effects on the liver, kidneys, and GI tract. It is helpful to note that natural herbs need proper dosage to avoid overdose. There are some black cumin seed oil side effects that include nausea, bloating, and a burning sensation on the skin for those sensitive to the volatile oils.

How Can I Buy Black cumin Seed Oil

Where to buy black cumin seed oil? When choosing which is the safest and most beneficial black seed oil, it is better to choose one that is high-quality from an FDA / GMP approved facility. Make sure that it is USDA certified.
How to Take Black Cumin Seed Oil

How to Take Black Cumin Seed Oil?

Black Cumin Seed Oil is packaged into capsules for daily consumption. It is also sold as oil that can be taken by the spoonful or applied to the skin and hair. In capsules it is much stronger and smaller amounts are needed. To make it more interesting, black cumin seed oil can also be taken with food in minimal amounts. Crushed seeds can also be toasted and sprinkled on bread, biscuit, and soup.

Whole Family Product Black Cumin Seed Oil contains:

  • 90 capsules per bottle
  • Black Cumin Seed Oil (Nigella sativa) 500 mg
  • Non-GMO Formula!

Serving Size: 1 Vegetable Capsule

For all its wonders and benefits, black cumin seed oil is one thing you need to have around your bathroom medicine cabinet or kitchen.

DISCLAIMER: These statements have not been approved by the FDA and we do not make any claims that this product or ingredient will cure, prevent, treat or even diagnose any disease. Studies linked here were conducted by independent labs for informational purposes. Please check with your doctor of choice for information regarding your own personal health profile and needs.

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