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Aluminum Toxicity: How Do You Get It? Know the Home Remedies to Reduce the Symptoms

Brenda Albano

November 3, 2021

Aluminum Toxicity Symptoms and Home Remedies

Understanding Aluminum Toxicity

Aluminum is one of the most abundant elements in the earth’s crust. Normally, due to its high reactivity, it is present in the environment combined with other elements such as oxygen, fluorine, and silicone. Aluminum toxicity occurs when a person breathes or ingests high levels of aluminum into the body. Exposure to normal levels of aluminum is inevitable and usually not harmful, but exposure to high levels of aluminum may cause serious repercussions for the health.

Aluminum contents are found everywhere in food, air, water, and soil. So, aluminum can enter our bodies through inhalation, ingestion, and dermal contact. Studies suggest that anyone can suffer from aluminum toxicity, but certain people, based on their previous medical history and daily routine, are more likely to develop this health complication. People who work or live in an aluminum-rich area are at high risk of developing aluminum toxicity. Moreover, diminished kidney function, receiving long-term IV nutrition, and living in a dusty environment are also included in the risk factors for causing aluminum toxicity.

This article discusses the general symptoms of aluminum toxicity so that people with excessive aluminum exposure can take timely action to manage it. We would also be covering aluminum poisoning home remedies to somewhat counter the condition before there is a need for medical treatment.

Symptoms of Aluminum Toxicity

The symptoms of aluminum toxicity range from minor headaches to organ failure. Some of the common symptoms of aluminum toxicity include:

  • Fatigue and confusion
  • Muscle weakness
  • Speech problems
  • Seizures
  • Slow growth in children and bone diseases

Complications due to severer aluminum toxicity can lead to the following symptoms:

  • Lung diseases
  • Breast cancer
  • Brain disorders
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Anemia
  • Impaired iron absorption
  • Nervous system problems causing difficulty in conductance of voluntary and involuntary actions
  • Vitamin B, B-6, and C deficiencies are linked with poor tolerance for heavy metals.

How Does Someone Get Aluminum Toxicity?

Aluminum is widely used in almost every industry. It is used for food packaging (beverage cans), pots and pans, foils, and roofing. Naturally, aluminum is found in vegetables and meat in small amounts. Sometimes, it may be added during the processing of foods, such as in the form of anticaking agents, coloring agents, and baking powder.

Studies have revealed that an average adult consumes 7 to 9 mg of aluminum in their foods daily. Aluminum is also present in the air in very small quantities, generally ranging from 0.005 to 0.18 micrograms per cubic meter. A small amount of the aluminum you breathe will enter your body through your lungs. Depending on the environment, consuming food and water, sometimes the aluminum intake exceeds the safe range, and you can get aluminum toxicity.

How to Test for Aluminum Toxicity?

The human body contains a small quantity of aluminum, and it is not harmful. The amount of aluminum present in our body can be measured through blood, urine, bones, and feces. A normal and healthy individual contains 5 to 9 mg of aluminum per kilogram of total weight. Urine and blood tests can tell if someone is exposed to higher levels of aluminum or not. Aluminum levels can also be measured through bone tests, but these tests include a bone biopsy. Urine and blood tests are relatively easy for patients. A nutritional response with a kinesiologist chiropractor is a great, non-invasive way to know if you have high aluminum levels as well. Note: This is how the owner of this website found out she had aluminum toxicity, which was causing cognitive issues and tremors. Herbal chelation therapy worked wonders.

How to Reduce Aluminum Toxicity?

As aluminum is common and widespread in our environment, exposure to aluminum cannot be completely avoided. Consuming excessive processed food that contains aluminum additives or sometimes cooking acidic food in aluminum pots may expose a person to higher levels of aluminum. However, the chances of aluminum toxicity can be reduced by controlling the intake of large quantities of processed food and aluminum-containing antacids. Also, limiting the use of buffered aspirin and using these medications only as directed is the best way to limit exposure to aluminum from these sources.

People working in industrial settings or environments with higher aluminum percentages need to take precautionary measures to avoid the increase in aluminum consumption. Additionally, it is an organization’s responsibility to ensure its workers’ safety and provide tools and equipment to protect their health.

How is Aluminum Removed from the Body?

Normally, aluminum enters the body through food, water, and medicine and leaves your body quickly through the digestive system. When a person suffers from aluminum toxicity, detox foods such as cilantro, tomatoes, garlic, and lemon water may be used as home remedies to remove aluminum naturally and ease the symptoms of aluminum toxicity. A small amount of aluminum that enters the body through breathing can enter the bloodstream through the lungs. If your kidneys are functioning well, aluminum present in the bloodstream will leave the body in the urine.
Aluminum poisoning home remedies are known to work well for aluminum removal if the toxicity levels are not severe.

Aluminum Poisoning Home Remedies

There are several treatment options, including a wide range of natural remedies and lifestyle changes, that may help ease the symptoms of aluminum poisoning. Also, there are certain foods that may help reduce the effects of aluminum poisoning by detoxifying your body and getting rid of the heavy metals from the body. Studies suggest that detox foods adapt simple mechanisms and bind to metals. Later on, heavy metals are removed through the digestive system, which may help ease the symptoms of aluminum toxicity.

Some detox foods include cilantro, green tea, garlic, lemon water, wild blueberries, and tomatoes. Foods with high mineral content and vitamins are also used as home remedies for aluminum poisoning. Research states that mineral and vitamin-rich foods may have a protective effect for those exposed to high aluminum environments.

How to Remove Aluminum Naturally

Chelation is the most common method to remove aluminum or other heavy metals from your body. Chelating agents are used for this purpose, and natural chelating agents are largely preferred over medical chelating agents like EDTA and other chemicals.

Cilantro, as discussed above, is a widely used herb for detoxification. It is best used in conjunction with chlorella, which is a kind of green algae, and together they act as a perfect tool for body detoxification.

Some ways to use the beneficial chelating properties of cilantro and chlorella are as follows:

  • Add fresh cilantro to almost any food, both cooked and raw.
  • Try blending together olive oil, fresh cilantro and lime juice with some salt for a delicious, zingy dressing for cooked vegetables or salads.
  • You can take chlorella in the form of extracts only in consultation with your doctor.

Natural Supplements for Detoxification

Natural chelation is the preferred route for heavy metal removal, as discussed. Guaranteed natural ingredients and herbs are needed for this purpose, and Whole Family Products remains the best place to buy these natural products. Natural supplements that might be used include chelating herbs or cleansing ingredients. Products to help manage aluminum toxicity symptoms and complications might include something like Serrazyme Ultra in the WholeFamilyProducts store.

Serrazyme Ultra is a wondrous product for managing different pain and buildup symptoms, such as those that present with aluminum toxicity, as well as removing other inorganic waste causing pain and inflammation. It contains Serrapeptase, which is called the “miracle enzyme” known for its ability to deal with virtually all illnesses from poisonous waste buildup in the human body. Nattikozymes is another product by Whole Family Products store formulated to support cognitive functions and heart health by removing toxins from the bloodstream.

Consider doing a cleanse as well. The 15 Day Cleanse is an easy way to flush toxins and waste buildup from the digestive tract without juicing, fasting, or taking a handful of pills.

The key is to be aware of your environment and figure out where your aluminum toxicity comes from.

DISCLAIMER: These statements have not been approved by the FDA and we do not make any claims that this product or ingredient will cure, prevent, treat or even diagnose any disease. Studies linked here were conducted by independent labs for informational purposes. Please check with your doctor of choice for information regarding your own personal health profile and needs.

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