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Discover the Natural Herbal Menopause Relief Backed by Science
Women’s bodies are challenging. They can have menopause, menstruation, or pregnancy. Experiencing menopause may be a source of anxiety, particularly if you’re unsure which natural herbal menopause relief is ideal for your specific situation or symptoms.
Women experience various symptoms as they get older, including hot flashes, night sweats, and mood swings. But don’t worry; menopause doesn’t have to be a bad experience.
FYI: Some ask what difference there is between hot and hot flashes. There is no difference between hot flashes and hot flashes except that different countries choose one word over the other. Americans call them hot flashes, but we use both terms in the following article. Each has its strengths and comes together beautifully. Many of the herbs referenced below are found in a fantastic product by the name of Menopause Complex; simply because of their reported benefits and also how they synergistically work so well together.
Best 9 Herbs for Menopause Supported by Research
One-third of women who responded to the British Menopause Society’s study said they’d consider trying a natural remedy before turning to hormone replacement therapy (HRT).
Even in ancient times, women discovered natural remedies for dealing with the symptoms of menopause and the associated pain.
Some herbal therapies are based on anecdotal evidence or traditional usage in women’s health, while others have scientific proof.
Please continue reading to learn about effective natural menopause remedies and the research supporting them.
#1 Sage Extract
Sage mixtures have been used for centuries as natural herbal menopause relief, usually in cooking recipes. Sage has long been used to help with several ailments, including hot flashes and nocturnal sweating.
A study conducted in 2011 in Switzerland found that women who took a daily capsule of fresh sage leaves had a 50% drop in hot flashes after just four weeks of consuming it. Within eight weeks of taking sage, participants had a 64% reduction in hot flushes.
The same sage research also found that the herb reduced menopausal psychosocial symptoms, including mood swings, by 47%.
You can use a combination herbal complex, ready-to-drink, homemade sage tea, or dried sage in a strainer with boiling water and let it cool.
#2 Soy Isoflavones
Isoflavones may help ease menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes and night sweats. Cochrane researchers in 2013 concluded that there was insufficient evidence to suggest that soy or isoflavone supplementation might reduce hot flashes in women.
Interestingly, compared to a placebo, soy isoflavone natural herbal menopause relief decreased hot flashes by a little over 26%, according to a review of 19 trials published in 2012.
Furthermore, a 2015 review of ten trials indicated that soy and other plant isoflavones decreased hot flashes by 11%.
#3 Black Cohosh
According to a review of trials on 1,400 menopausal women, black cohosh for menopause, it reduced hot flashes and sweating by 25%.
#4 Dong Quai
Dong Quai is a common name for female ginseng (Angelica sinensis). It’s a Chinese herb related to celery, carrots, and parsley. It thrives in the cooler climates of China, Korea, and Japan.
Traditionally, Dong Quai has been used in Chinese medicine to support women’s health and help reduce PMS and menopause symptoms.
#5 Licorice Root
According to a 2012 study, menopausal women who took 330 milligrams (mg) of licorice extract three times daily for eight weeks had less severe and frequent hot flashes.
#6 Vitex
There is a berry plant used in natural herbal menopause relief called Vitex (Vitex agnus-castus). It is a natural herb for women’s health issues known as chaste tree or berry.
According to more recent research (published in 2014 in Advances in Therapy), taking vitex for three menstrual cycles appears to lower the severity of premenstrual symptoms such as bloating, irritability, headaches, and skin issues. The study included 60 female participants, ranging in age from 18 to 44.
#7 Red Clover
Soy isoflavones, which mimic estrogen in the body, are included in this supplement. Red clover has been shown to help post-menopausal women’s symptoms.
Triglyceride levels in the blood may rise after menopause, necessitating their management.
#8 Vitamin E
Some studies consider vitamin E a natural relief for menopause symptoms and support healthy skin and eyes. Menopausal women who took 400mcg of vitamin E daily for four weeks had fewer hot flushes, and the ones they did have were milder, according to a 2007 research published in the journal Gynecologic & Obstetric Investigation.
Also, when consumed or used topically, vitamin E may help alleviate typical skin problems like itchy skin during menopause.
To help with skin problems, Vitamin E functions as an antioxidant, fending off free radicals and retaining moisture. Vitamin E also helps to protect the skin from environmental damage.
Vitamin E can be found in various foods and skincare products, including avocados, nuts, and seeds; plant oils such as olive oil; lotions, serums, and oils.
#9 Coconut Oil
If you suffer from menopausal dryness, you may seek the best lubricant to alleviate your discomfort. Coconut oil is a popular beauty product among women.
A natural solution is suitable for menopause dryness since you don’t want to irritate sensitive regions. This rich, crude oil may be used on various skin types thanks to its emollient characteristics and thick consistency. If not, read about Estriol Oil for hot flashes and to relieve vaginal dryness by adjusting hormones safely and naturally, and Meno-Lady natural progesterone cream for balancing it all out.
Remember that some herbs may cause skin irritation or even an allergic response if misused. As a rule, those with coconut allergies should avoid using or ingesting coconut products.
The alternative is to use it a little and then wait 24 hours after the patch test on an area of sensitive skin. If everything seems OK, you may use it as a lubricant on your own body.
Menopausal women with itchy skin may find natural herbal menopause relief with coconut oil. Before applying the coconut oil, warm it in your palms for about a half teaspoon first. For a brief period, it may seem oily, but it rapidly dissipates.
Final Thoughts
Menopause may be challenging, especially when dealing with symptoms like depression, decreased libido, or night sweats. Herbs for menopause relief like sage, vitamin E, and red clover may also help you manage menopause changes, as can healthy lifestyle factors like a balanced diet with moderate fat and carbs and frequent exercise.
Disclaimer: The material provided here is for educational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice. Nutraceuticals should not be used as an alternative to a healthy diet or active lifestyle. Before experimenting with any supplements, treatments, or therapies, consult with your natural healthcare provider.