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Top 6 Benefits of Amino Acids You Need to Know

Brenda Albano

May 1, 2023

Top 6 Benefits of Amino Acids You Need to Know

Top 6 Benefits of Amino Acids Fall Into a Variety of Categories

Explore the building blocks of a healthier you! In our latest blog, delve into the Top 6 Benefits of Amino Acids. Uncover the science behind these essential compounds and discover how they can contribute to your overall well-being. Elevate your understanding of nutrition and embrace the positive impact of amino acids on your health journey.

1. Amino Acids Extend Endurance and Eliminate Fatigue

The depletion of our body’s glycogen reserve weakens the body thereby making daily activities minimal. With the help of amino acid supplements, the used-up glycogen will be replenished and stored in the body at a higher rate, and the rate of waste will be reduced. This way, you will have more endurance for day-to-day activities.

2. Amino Acids Enhance Fat Loss

It is a well-known fact that amino acids help in the reduction of the fat process. Researchers found out that it plays a great role in both fat loss and abdominal fat storage and deposition. According to such studies, amino acid minimizes these fats in these areas and helps you to wage war against diseases.

3. Amino Acids Catalyses Cognitive Function

The body can produce tryptophan which is a vital amino acid that is a precursor to a neurotransmitter known as serotonin, which slows down mental quickness, boosts mood, and makes one feel contented. Having supplements of amino acid can increase the production of tryptophan to give you mental relaxation as well as better growth hormone. It can also lead to fat burning and fight aging.
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4. Amino Acids Reduce and Inhibit Inflammation

By this, we mean that amino acids exhibit anti-inflammatory features which come from the BCAAs such as isoleucine, valine, and leucine. This trio helps to stop inflammation of the body in the joints, the muscles and enhance their various activities. They are known to be helpful to both athletics and non-athletics. The moderate amino acid content of the body makes sure that the body resists cases of diabetes, liver diseases, arthritis, and other similar conditions.

5. Amino Acids Aid Muscle Growth and Protection

Amino acids are known to repair muscle damage during workouts and improve muscle growth in the areas of the body that are being exercised as well as those areas that do not undergo workouts. One may ask how? They enhance protein synthesis after a workout so that the body will have enough supply of new nutrients for better muscle growth in the workout and non-workout areas.

6. Amino Acids Help the Body in Its Own Natural Healing

As said earlier, the long chain of amino acids as the building block of the body helps to develop the muscles, cells, tissues, nails, as well as hairs of the body. The protein content of the amino acid recovers and repairs the whole region of the body that needs replenishment. Therefore, when there is sickness, surgery, workout, or any injury, the amino acid quickly supplements and speeds up healing in that part of the body.

Disclaimer: Our statements about healing stem from the natural action of amino acids and are not specific to the efficacy of our l-arginine line of products. Amino acids do what they do.

DISCLAIMER: These statements have not been approved by the FDA and we do not make any claims that this product or ingredient will cure, prevent, treat or even diagnose any disease. Studies linked here were conducted by independent labs for informational purposes. Please check with your doctor of choice for information regarding your own personal health profile and needs.

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